2016. január 4., hétfő

Angol szövegértés feladat Éhezők Viadala rajongóknak :)

Valaki írta az ünnepek alatt, hogy eredetiben olvasná a fanficet, és hogy az milyen remek felkészülés lesz az érettségire. (Mondjuk az nekem iszonyat hosszú...) Nos, sejtem, az illető nincs azzal egyedül, hogy érettségire, esetleg nyelvvizsgára készül. Ha van még köztetek ilyen, akkor egy újabb, némileg rövidebb, de izgalmas és idevágó hallás utáni szövegértés feladatot ajánlok. Érettségin úgy rémlik, talán elő is fordulnak olyan feladattípusok, amikor kiegészíteni kell a hallott szöveget. Na, most is ez a feladat. :)

Az anyag még az első Éhezők Viadala film előtti Jennifer Lawrence sajtóvideón alapszik, azt itt nézhetitek/hallgathatjátok meg, a "feladatlap" maga pedig az ugrás után található. Megoldókulcsot is mellékeltem, egy szóban nagyon nem biztos és lehet benne még félrehallás, de szerintem a többi ok. Nem is tudom, hogy sok sikert vagy jó szórakozást kívánjak, de mindig jó szórakozva tanulni, szóval remélem, esetleg lesz, akinek tényleg a hasznára válik.

Az ugrás után tehát a hagyományoktól eltérően nem fordítás, hanem feladat. :)

Question 1: about the book, the Hunger Games
Jennifer: I went through all of them in a______ of days. I just thought they were.. they were _________. I mean it was this futuristic Joan of Arc. I also loved how.. It’s hard to say “true” about something future because we don’t know what’s gonna happen in the future. You look what’s on _______ television, it’s just.. kind of history repeating itself. It’s actually incredibly ________. I thought that was a very important story to be told.

Question 2: about her character,  “Katniss”
Jennifer: When we first meet “Katniss”, she lives in district 12 which is a poor district. But she hunts. And she loves the forest. She loves the woods. She loves her little sister. And she’s got a pretty great life…under the ____________. She’s happy. She likes to hunt. And then she gets her little sister, who’s 12,(and) gets chosen for the Hunger Games.

Question 3: why “Katniss” threatens The Capitol?
Jennifer: Her strength. I’m always finding myself __________ to a strong character. Probably I wanna be like that (chuckle). I mean this is a girl that has the world _______ on her shoulders. She’s one of the first people to stand up to the Capitol and I think that people see that strength and see, I mean, it’s a _______ up.. it’s a ______ up world. It’s about time somebody did it. But she’s a young girl and she didn’t play their games. She didn’t make anybody her enemy. She really..She started a revolution and that’s scary.

Question 4: about Josh Hutcherson as “Peeta”
Jennifer: Josh Hutcherson played “Peeta” and it could not be a better ______. I mean he is “Peeta.” He can ______ the world with three sentences. He is also one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. And, yeah, it was like being 12 years old at work every day with him. He is great. I mean he’s “Peeta.” He is charming. There’s nothing you can’t like about him and he always finds a positive situation and everything.

Question 5: about Liam Homsworth as “Gale”
Jennifer: Gale was played by Liam Homsworth who’s..he’s just this huge. He’s a giant man and he’s so _______ and nice. He’s a gentle giant and also _________.

Question 6: about Lenny Kravitz as “Cinna”
Jennifer: “Cinna” is played by Lenny Kravitz, one of my very dear friends. He is _______. He is so perfect for the part because he, Lenny, has such a gentle _______ which just makes everybody comfortable, which is hard to do when you are a huge rock star and everybody knows who you are. But he has this ability of just making everybody feel very comfortable and he is very ______. And “Cinna” has that ability to make somebody feel comfortable.

Question 7: About Donald Southerland (President Snow)
Jennifer: I had one scene with Donald Sutherland and I will remember it for the rest of my life. He is ________. I mean he sends cold _____ down my _____. He is (a) very funny,nice and great guy. But as soon as that man speaks as President Snow or is acting. It was chilling.

Question 8: About Director Gary Ross
Jennifer: Gary Ross is directing the Hunger Games and that could not have been a better ____. He is incredible to work with. He’s brilliant. But he’s also  nice and ____-_____ and funny, all these great things. But he really understands the depth of the movie and  the ______ of the movie and feel of it. And he knows exactly what he wants and, fortunately, exactly what he wants is what’s right for the movie. And he’s great with communicating with cameras and lights. But he’s also great with communicating with actors. So he can be very very technical but he can also be _________ at the same time.

Question 9: About the Mockingjay pin
Jennifer: I was ____-______ by the Mockingjay pin. That was the most, kind of, shocked and excited I have been about seeing something in the movie because it’s honestly being ____-______. It’s so such a famous, I mean , it’s the ____ of the revolution and it’s everything and it’s the games. And you see it and you’re like “Of course, that’s what it looks like.” It’s kind of gold, round, very small with the Mockingjay, which is exactly what you would’ve imagined the Mockingjay  looking like. And an _____ going through it. It was an honor to wear that. It was really cool.

Question 10: About training for the role
Jennifer: I got a running coach. And I also did _____ training. So I could, you know, (d0) wall-climbs and _____ and jumps, all sorts of stuff. I had archery for many weeks and, umm, yeah, it was rough but it was fun.

Question 11: About meeting with Suzanne Collins (author of the Hunger Games trilogy)
Jennifer: I talked to Suzanne after I got the part on the phone. I was still in England. And  it was so incredible ’cause this is, I mean, I’m her biggest fan. I love those books so much I’m ________ with ’em. But it was just so..Because, of course, all the things people are saying, they are in my head too. About being too old, being blond, you know? I was gonna die my hair. And all these things, you know, they get to me too because that’s how I imagined the character. But hearing it from the woman who created Katniss herself, I feel like huge _______ has been lifted off my shoulder and “I know you can do it” and all the these things just gave me the ______ that I needed.

Question 12: About the sets in the film
Jennifer: Sets of the movie are remarkable. I mean the Capitol sets are unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it, which is very helpful, and your character, because I do feel like I’m just in a _________ all the time and they are truly remarkable. Even in the _______, even in my house back at District 12, just truly perfect. Better than you could’ve imagined in the book. I was, got so excited when we got Charlotte. Every time we start a new Capitol scene, like the apartment or in the bed room or in a train, ah, everything  ’cause you cannot even imagine what it’s gonna look like.

Question 13: What audience should expect
Jennifer: I’m a huge fan of the books _____ with everybody else. So, I think that the thing I’m most looking forward to when I think everybody else should look forward to is that it’s these characters in these stories, the story, that we’ve _____ so in love with. It’s come to life. But it’s come to life in a better way than we could’ve possibly imagined it. And, yeah, I don’t think there’s one part of it that disappoints me or that I think we should’ve touched on more or maybe left out or anything. I think we.. it’s the book but it’s bigger and better than we could’ve ________ in our heads when we were reading.
Forrás: eigotomo.org

1. matter - incredible - reality - relevant. 
2. circumstances
3. hunt (?) - placed - messed
4. match - charm
5. sweet - hilarious
6. awesome - personalities - gentle
7. remarkable - chills - spine
8. pick - easy-going - fame - emotional
9. star-strucked - star-strucked - arrow
10. stunt - vaults
11. obsessed - weight - boost
12. wonderland - woods
13. along - fallen - pictured

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